Our company is certified:

Global Recycled Standard

GRS relates to products obtained from recycled material

Global Recycled Standard is the certification that vouches the growth of a sustainable production and consumption model in a company. This practice aims at reducing the consumption of resources (raw materials, water, energy) and increasing the quality and traceability of recycled products. In order to obtain the GRS certificate, a textile product must consist of at least 20% recycled materials, and the production must take place in compliance with environmental and social criteria throughout the entire production chain.

Corporate Social Responsibility

SA8000® Ethical Certification

An acronym for Social Accountability 8000, SA8000® Certification is the main globally recognised social certification standard, created with the aim of guaranteeing ethical management of human resources.
The SA8000® Ethical Certification refers to the regulatory standard consisting of nine social requirements* (human rights, development, valorisation, training and professional growth of people, health and safety of workers, non-discrimination, employment of minors and young people) aimed at guaranteeing, for organisations implementing this standard, compliance with ethical parameters in their production chain.

Compliance with these requirements is verified by third parties through document control, on-site inspection and interviews with workers. This is a challenging achievement, which involves the entire organisation and pushes it to improve and maintain a constant focus on compliance with these areas.

This award recognises organisations that stand out for their commitment to sustainable development, with a focus on social issues.

ISO 14001

The ISO 14001 certification ensures that an organization has an Environmental Management System suitable for the nature of its activities and operates to improve its efficiency in compliance with national and international regulations.


Legality rating

Corporate Social Responsibility is a sensitive issue to which Centro Accessori pays great attention, consistent with the desire to have a positive impact on the environment, people and stakeholders. This awareness has prompted the company to actively address problems of social and ethical impact both towards its employees and towards the external community and has prompted it to voluntarily integrate the regulatory requests by undergoing an assessment of the company’s behaviour, with a view to improving company practices.

These also include the evaluation procedure envisaged for obtaining an important recognition that certifies the ethical behavior focused on the legality of the company: the legality rating, obtained for several years now.

Thanks to this recognition, Centro Accessori Spa Società Benefit is officially counted as a virtuous company for the efforts made, seeing the degree of attention placed in the correct management of its business rewarded.