
Soft Effect. The main features of this article are: durability and stability for the effect of the weather (humidity, heat and cold), dimensional stability due to repeated mechanical action (bending) excellent thermoforming hot (between 70 and 110°C), valuable characteristics of soft.

Thickness mm:

  • 12/00 = 0,3 mm h. 140 cm
  • 22/00 = 0,4 mm h. 137 cm
  • 32/00 = 0,5 mm h. 137 cm
  • 42/00 = 0,6 mm h. 137 cm
  • 52/00 = 0,7 mm h. 140 mm
  • 62/00 = 0,8 mm h. 136 mm
  • 72/00 = 0,95 mm h. 139 cm


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The whole Rinflex series is also easily prepared for skiving and smoothing the edges. The presence of a polyester bac-king on both sides facilitates the use of adhesives based on natural and synthetic latexes.

Roll Height: 137 cm


0,3 mm, 0,4 mm, 0,5 mm, 0,6 mm, 0,7 mm, 0,8 mm, 0,95 mm

Unit of measure
